At Autarcique eV, a non-profit association in Bonn, you can donate to independence and help people in Togo to lead a self-determined life in the long term.
Our chairwoman, Assima, comes from Togo herself and is an expert on the region. She speaks the language, knows the culture and the economy, and has a very good local network. This is also the origin of the cooperation with an experienced partner who has been implementing similar projects in the neighboring country of Benin for many years.
We want to enable people to achieve their independent happiness.
Experience the happiness of helping them effectively.

Hi, I am Assima!
I am from Togo and I love my country. I know Togo needs our help. To develop further, to use its possibilities better, to give the people a fair chance. I would like to contribute a small part with my dear club friends and you. Let's get started.

Hi, ich bin Assima!
Ich stamme aus Togo und liebe mein Land. Ich weiß, Togo braucht unsere Hilfe. Um sich weiter zu entwickeln, um seine Möglichkeiten besser zu nutzen, um den Menschen eine faire Chance zu geben. Einen kleinen Teil möchte ich mit meinen lieben Vereinsfreunde und Euch dazu beitragen. Lasst uns loslegen.
Our vision
The aim of the organization is to promote the socio-economic development of independent organic agriculture in Togo. We are committed to sustainable farming that is competitive, builds independent farms and thus creates jobs. The acquired know-how is to be passed on to as many people as possible. In particular, we want to open up career opportunities for young, poorly educated Togolese, who have often been without prospects up to now. And enable them to lead self-determined and independent lives with their own small farms.
The Autarcique Team
In Germany

Benjamin Chardey
Vice President

Hannelore Labitoria
Event Management
In Togo

Ebenezer AKAMA (Official represenatative in Togo), Laurent Essiomley, Sewa Adjevi-Neglokpe, Gynahru Avousse, Komla Biaku , Valentin Kotse, Dodji Anibri
Team in Togo
Current needs and implementation until 03/2023